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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Internet


The Internet is a large “network of networks.” It is a collection of tens of thousands of computers connected in a tangled web, talking to one another through a common communications protocol. The www stands for World Wide Web is like a thread that connects to all information its like a planet full of information to us.
It is impossible to deny the influence of the Internet. In 1990's a quick change in the technology have taken place few understood this change and few didn't those who understood this change in technology can't imagine living without it. The World Wide Web is a powerful thread that connects the entire world, one that allows us to share information like never before. The benefits of this so much information are too many to list, and while some problems are also becoming apparent, the web's place in our daily life can't be deniable. We can now access the Information through Internet from our home computers, office, laptops and our phones. But many people still aren’t entirely sure what the Internet is and how it really works.


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