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Monday, February 21, 2011

Microsoft Milan Surface Computer Playtable


Some big news from Microsoft yesterday on a new computer called the Microsoft Milan Surface Computer (or Playtable) which is basically a computing table.

Then you add to that some amazing technology and this is one of the best products I have seen from Microsoft in many years, just look at the photos (IT LOOKS AMAZING) and I am not just saying that because I love technology and gadgets.

With all new computers and phones the designers are talking computer interaction and touch (just look at the iPhone), this is the first product from Microsoft’s Surface Computing group (a tabletop computer code-named Milan).

30-inch horizontal display and 22 inches high, this acrylic table is very similar to a table top Pacman game my dad had years ago but obviously not with the technology that’s in the Milan Playtable.

Microsoft Milan Surface Computer Playtable Features:
  • Wi-Fi enabled (put a WiFi digital camera on the table top and the machine downloads the photos automatically)
  • Interact with photos much like actual physical photos (pass them around the table)
  • Music application turns the table into a virtual jukebox
  • Concierge application that helps you pull together an itinerary for a day out in a strange city
  • First generation Microsoft Surface Computer aimed at retail and in bars and hotels
  • Browse the Web
  • Imagine controlling a Media Center PC like this
  • Interactive slideshows
  • …and so much more

The surface computing market is potentially a multi-billion dollar business, so Microsoft does not want to make the same mistakes they did with Search (They are getting in early with this market).

Microsoft is launching the platform just for big retail clients currently (or I guess if you’re a millionaire you can get what you want, for a price).

So for us lesser earning people, the cool Microsoft Milan coffee table will just be in the photos


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