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Monday, June 27, 2011

Google and YouTube Delegates in Pakistan


Google Logo Pakistan
Pakistan is on the threshold of technology and though it has only 10% technology penetration, there is a strong platform for growth and investments. This is what Google and YouTube delegates observed about the technology scene in Pakistan when they came here for the International Youth Conference. According to the delegates, the 62% of Pakistani youth are a huge asset for the nation if there is a proper channel to guide them for utilizing technology to benefit their own future as well as that of the nation.

The average Pakistani spends just $3/month on mobile communication and around $13/month on broadband facilities. This shows that there is a potential for technological growth in Pakistan, as the local media industry is enhancing the use of online sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to promote as well as run businesses. The youth here now watches shows/dramas/music on YouTube rather than sitting and watching on the TV screen.

The Pakistani media is booming, within just 8 years of media freedom in Pakistan. Private channels are numerous and these channels are integrating the use of technology with their service and business strategies. There is an increasing rate of data download and uploads and most importantly the growth of freelancers who are working endlessly on outsourcing projects.Online job providers such as Elance and have Pakistanis as amongst their highest subscribers and job providers.

The Google delegates did not only superficially analyze Pakistan’s technological development, but also conducted interviews with ministers and leaders to discuss about the future of Pakistan’s technological development.


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